Sunday, September 02, 2007

Liberals attack before appointment even made

One of the sad developments of our generation is the internet. Sure, it connects us, and gives us access to information.

But it also allows hateful people, and people with nothing better to do, to attack mercilessly any human being unfortunate enough to think about serving in public office. While this is true for both liberals and conservatives, the liberals truly far outclass the conservatives when it comes to attacking others.

So in typical liberal fashion, Raising Kaine sees opportunity in Senator Craig's depature -- an opportunity to attack a possible appointee to the senate position, for perfectly rational statements about Katrina:

Here's Lt. Gov. Jim Risch (R-ID), a leading candidate to succeed Larry Craig in the U.S. Senate, on Katrina victims:

"Hurricane Katrina - they heaped that on George Bush!" said Mr Risch, in his shirt-sleeves in the blasting dry heat of an afternoon in Boise, the state capital.

"Here in Idaho, we couldn't understand how people could sit around on the kerbs waiting for the federal government to come and do something. We had a dam break in 1976, but we didn't whine about it. We got out our backhoes and we rebuilt the roads and replanted the fields and got on with our lives. That's the culture here. Not waiting for the federal government to bring you drinking water. In Idaho there would have been entrepreneurs selling the drinking water."

The problem is, liberals really do seem to think that the government is the only source of help in time of need, and that the founding fathers really intended for the citizens of our country to sit around and die waiting for public money to be spent to save them.

I don't know how else to explain their fixation on attacking anybody who dares to suggest that people could be responsible for their own lives. But there were millions of us watching as TV camera crews stood FILMING the Superdome, bemoaning the lack of water, and wondering how hard it would be for the TV networks to bring in a few thousand bottles of water and throw them over the railing. I mean, if Geraldo could get there, certainly a water cooler could be brought to bear.

I just finished listening to a book on CD, a pretty depressing book titled "Life as we knew it". The premise is an asteroid which knocks the moon into a lower orbit, throwing the world into chaos.

The story is told by a young girl writing a diary. People are dying left and right, government is powerless to do anything, but the girl's family survives, because the mother took a few simply and practical steps right away, obtaining food for the family, conserving, getting her son to chop wood when volcano-induced cold was setting in. Only at the end did the government begin to function again, and those who counted on government mostly died.

Funny thing is, nothing the family did was really all that heroic, smart, or unusual. Stock up on canned goods, get a load of wood for the wood stove, collect some water, plant a garden.

Meanwhile, there were thousands of people in New Orleans who refused to evacuate, a government which couldn't find drivers for buses that sat idle, a superdome that nobody bothered to ship enough water to when it was designated an emergency site. When my son went to Boy scout camp, he had to get a bus, and the people who arranged the bus brought drinks including bottles of water to sell -- and when they ran out, we chided them for not "being prepared" -- and that was just a simple bus trip. It's not rocket science, when I go to theme parks I always pack a cooler full of frozen and cold water in case we have trouble.

And yet nobody at the dome died because of lack of water, nobody suffered permanent injury from lack of food, It was certainly unpleasant to spend a few nights in the dome but those who made it there didn't drown like those who never evacuated at all like Bush had told them to do several days before the storm hit and took down the levees because of corrupt liberal politicians who hired corrupt union companies who used slipshod building methods.

Of course, there's also the questionable wisdom of living anywhere where you need to count on electricity and pumps to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week just to keep your house from ending up under water. Something I hope we don't repeat by encouraging people to rebuild in those areas.

Maybe this is the consumate red-state/blue-state conundrum. Those who are raised to think for themselves, to act for themselves, to take care of themselves, simply cannot fathom or understand the liberal culture where people are raised to blame others for everything, to wait for government to take care of them, to complain when rich people don't give them things, and to vote for rich liberals who pretend to care but really are just looking to make working americans pay to care for the underclass while the liberal rich elites take credit for their "caring" enough to steal other people's money and give it away.

Of course, those "rugged individuals" may be a dying breed. It's almost impossible to live without government giving you something whether you really want it or not. That's so that the liberal elites can call people hypocrites if they even suggest people should take care of themselves. After all, that's what they do to any black person who dares talk of making it on their own -- "Sure, he can say that, but he got where he did because of the affirmative action programs he now denounces".

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