Phase one complete:

Two Prince William Conservatives posting about Virginia Politics and other topics of interest.
Everybody wants to explain the election. What I want to do is complain about toilets. A while ago, the federal government decided we needed to save resources, so they mandated that toilets use less water when flushing. This saved very little water, because most of the toilets rushed to market to meet this mandate wouldn't actually flush with the small amount of water dictated by Washington.
This means that when you want what's in the toilet to end up not in the toilet, you have to flush several times. It also means having plungers in each bathroom, for when what was in the toilet doesn't quite make it out of the toilet. This clogs the pipes, preventing the next flush from removing anything. Usually this is accompanied by screams of "the toilet is going to overflow," and people rushing around trying to find extra provisions before the ensuing flood.
Well, voters didn't like what was in Washington, so we flushed the toilet. But just like the government-mandated atrocities installed in our homes, what was in the toilet (corruption, overspending, earmarks, and petty partisanship) did not actually end up out of the toilet. Instead, it's still floating around, waiting for the next flush to overflow the bowl.
We give the government too much power, so there is too much incentive for unions, lobbyists, businesses, and special-interest organizations to pay for influence over our elected officials. And while this election flushed some corrupt politicians, there are plenty left who will now be given positions of power.
Am I judging too harshly? It's still early, but signs are not good. Nancy Pelosi, who will be the next Speaker of the House, is already hard at work populating the leadership with corrupt members of her own party.
Pelosi endorsed John Murtha for House Majority Leader, snubbing Steny Hoyer of Maryland. Hoyer ran against Pelosi for Minority Leader, and she's never forgiven him for his "disloyalty." Murtha supported her, and its payback time.
The watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington has Murtha on their list of the most corrupt members in Congress. While many Republicans on the list resigned or were defeated in this election, no Democrats on the list lost their jobs.
Chastising Pelosi for her endorsement of Murtha, CREW director Melanie Sloan says "Pelosi's endorsement of Rep. Murtha, one of the most unethical members of Congress, shows that she may have prioritized ethics reform merely to win votes with no real commitment to changing the culture of corruption." Meanwhile, the Washington Post says Murtha has "worked to slow the ethics process to a crawl for much of the past two years," and called him the "Democratic Party's consummate dealer in home-district spending." So the King of Pork could now be Majority Leader.
Pelosi is also seeking revenge against Jane Harman, the ranking Democrat on the critically important, bipartisan Intelligence Committee. Traditionally, this committee is staffed with less-partisan politicians, and run without regard to party politics, for the security of the country. But Pelosi is upset that Harman has not used the committee for partisan attacks. So, under pressure from the Congressional Black Caucus, Pelosi might appoint Alcee Hastings in the sensitive position.
Hastings is one of only six [ed note: actually 7] judges in history to be impeached, for bribery. He was removed from office by the Democrat-led Senate in 1989. As a congressman, he hired his girlfriend, whom he owed a half-million dollars for legal fees defending the bribery charges, at a taxpayer-funded salary of $129,000 a year. He is under investigation by the Florida and Federal Elections commissions, and the House Ethics Committee.
Hastings is already in the upper ranks of Democratic leadership, but appointing him Chair of the House Intelligence Committee would be a slap in the face of an electorate who voted in part against the corruption of Washington. Pressure from the media might convince Pelosi to abandon Hastings, but she will still deny Harman the seat.
Using leadership positions to reward political cronies and punish adversaries, and giving the “King of Pork” the leadership position, is probably not what voters had in mind. Seems we might need a few more “flushes” before the job is done.
Michigan teen creates nuclear fusion
ROCHESTER HILLS, Mich., Nov. 19 (UPI) -- An ambitious teenager in Rochester Hills, Mich., is ranked as the 18th amateur in the world to create nuclear fusion -- combining atoms to create energy.
The Detroit Free Press reported that 17-year-old Thiago Olson set up a machine in his parents' garage and has been working exhaustively for more than two years. His machine creates nuclear fusion on a small scale.
Nuclear fusion is "kind of like the holy grail of physics," Olson told the Free Press.
Olson's machine consists of a vacuum that sucks air out, and then deuterium -- a form of hydrogen -- is injected into the vacuum. He then charges electricity into the vacuum, causing the atoms in the center to be attracted to one another, creating nuclear fusion.
Olson -- who wants to work for the federal government, as his grandfather did -- is an otherwise typical teen, the newspaper said. He is on the track team at Stoney Creek High School and plans to go to college.
The Nation -- Of course, House Democrats made a mistake in choosing the slick favorite of Washington special interests, Steny Hoyer, over shambling populist John Murtha to serve as House Majority Leader. In one of the more ridiculous exercises of journalistic irresponsibility by a Washington press corps that is distinguished by nothing so much as its ineptness when it comes to offering useful perspective to the American people, Murtha was dismissed as an ethically-challenged mess of a man while Hoyer, the candidate of K. Street, was presented as the tidier Democrat.
While Murtha may be an imperfect individual, Hoyers imperfections are systemic. The Marylander who served as minority whip before the election is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with the insider Democrats of Washington: He votes right on just enough issues to keep in the good graces of Democratic special-interest groups. But he votes wrong on just enough economic issues to keep the doors of corporate America open to his fund-raising appeals. The sly strategy has worked for Hoyer -- Public Citizen rated the Maryland congressman as the "most dependent on special-interest money" in the House and ranked him fifth out of the 433 members reviewed for contributions received from lobbyists.
Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards acknowledged Thursday that amid his criticism of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., a volunteer member of his staff asked the world's largest retailer for help obtaining a hot new Sony Playstation 3 for Edwards' family.
"My wife, Elizabeth, wanted to get a Playstation3 for my young children. She mentioned it in front of one of my staff people. That staff person mentioned it in front of a volunteer who said he would make an effort to get one. He was making an effort to go get one for himself," Edwards said.
Edwards, the Democrats' vice-presidential candidate in 2004, spoke Wednesday to supporters of union-backed WakeUpWalMart.com on a conference call launching the group's holiday season campaign to pressure Wal-Mart for better labor standards.
In the call, he repeated a story about his son Jack disapproving of a classmate buying sneakers at Wal-Mart.
"If a 6-year-old can figure it out, America can definitely figure this out," Edwards said.
Previously, Edwards has appeared at WakeUpWalMart rallies.
Edwards said the volunteer was "a young kid" unaware of what he called flawed Wal-Mart policies. He called the Wal-Mart statement an effort to divert attention from its own problems.
In the call, he repeated a story about his son Jack disapproving of a classmate buying sneakers at Wal-Mart.
In this past Sunday's Washington Post, looking back on an experience he said he would not wish on anyone, Sidarth wrote: "Everywhere I went, though I was identifiably working on behalf of Allen's opponent, people treated me with dignity, respect and kindness. I cannot recall one event where food was served and I was not invited to join in the meal."
The following day, he went on, "even after Allen's comments had highlighted my outsider status, I was not allowed to depart without eating ..." And, he said, Allen's staff gave him accurate directions to the senator's next campaign event.
All else aside, this speaks highly of Allen and Sidarth's fellow Virginians. There was more than just one winner in that campaign.
Potomac News
Thursday, November 9, 2006
Some day, we will look back at abortion as one of the great tragedies of our time. Abortion is a cancer on our society, a gruesome testament to a self-centered age. The lies advanced in support of the killing infect the very core of our culture, and the consequences reach far beyond the genocide of millions of humans of every race, color, and creed.
Two recent stories highlight the profound impact of abortion, revealing a rip in the moral fabric of society that will tear us apart if we do not wake up. A warning: these stories should disgust and sicken you, although possibly some people are already too desensitized by the abortion culture to grasp the horror.
The first is a news report from Florida, where last July "Miami-Dade County police found the badly decomposed body of a baby girl" at an abortion facility. A woman waiting to complete an abortion delivered the baby in the waiting room. For five minutes, the woman "watched her daughter moving and gasping for air."
But the staff did nothing to help the girl. Instead, they took the newborn baby and suffocated her in a plastic bag. Later, the body was "treated with a caustic chemical and left in the heat of the Florida sun to accelerate decomposition in a possible attempt to dispose of the evidence."
How could the medical staff kill the child rather than help her? Well, they are trained to kill babies. Unlike many of their patients, abortion doctors and staff know what they are doing. They know that, for many of the babies they "terminate," they could just as easily be using their training to successfully deliver and save those babies. Their actions hinge only on whether the mother decides to let the baby live or not.
So it was no stretch for the abortion clinic staff to finish the job they started, even though the baby was already born, and the mother expressed no interest in having the pregnancy "terminated," having seen her child and realized the mistake she had made. The staff just did what they are paid to do.
But a local police deputy knows better, saying "This isn't about a botched abortion; there never was an abortion, and the mother is not the victim … The victim is the baby, and whether that baby had an hour or eight hours' worth of life, she had a right to that."
Meanwhile, a group of doctors in England are pushing for a law to allow killing newborn babies born with birth defects. According to an article in this week's London Sunday Times, the doctors are concerned about the impact disabled children have on families: "active euthanasia" should be considered for the overall good of families, to spare parents the emotional burden and financial hardship of bringing up the sickest babies."
Highlighting the relationship between their proposal and the abortion of babies up to the moment of birth, the study says "If life-shortening and deliberate interventions to kill infants were available, they might have an impact on obstetric decision-making, even preventing some late abortions, as some parents would be more confident about continuing a pregnancy and taking a risk on outcome."
In other words, if parents could have the babies killed after they are born, they might not kill them before birth. If the doctors succeed in their quest, their argument will be extended to healthy babies, as the "logic" is not restricted to the disabled. A mother can abort her baby at any time for almost any reason. What if a mother isn't sure she wants her child? Rather than making her "choose" before birth, offer a "grace period." She can spend a few days with the newborn, and make an "informed" decision to keep her baby, or have it killed, just as these doctors would do with disabled children.
I know that is sick, but that's where abortion-on-demand has taken us. Once we accept the concept of killing unwanted or unhealthy pre-born children, all we are arguing about is at what age children gain their right to "humanity." Most people still cringe when mothers kill their newborn children, but it's just a matter of time before no life is safe from those for whom "quality of life" is a euphemism for "killing those we find inconvenient."
Casey, Webb, Ford & Tester Agree To Schumer Filibuster Pact
Schumer is reported to have assured Democrats that Bob Casey Jr. — despite running as a moderate Senate candidate — would be supportive of Democratic efforts to block constitutionalist judicial nominees. “There’s no worry on judges,” said Schumer. “And judges is the whole ball of wax.” Other supposedly centrist Democratic candidates including Harold Ford Jr. (Tenn.), Jon Tester (Mont.) and Jim Webb (Va.) have refused to rule out filibusters against judicial nominees.
For the past several weeks, there has been a rumor circulating among high-level officials in Washington, D.C., that a member of the U.S. Supreme Court has received grave medical news and will announce his or her retirement by year’s end.
Statement of Anne Waddell
October 31, 2006Contact: Press Office703.845.3689
ARLINGTON, VA – Anne Waddell, Senator George Allen’s ex-wife, released the following statement today:
“I am thoroughly disgusted by the baseless allegations and insinuations that have obviously been orchestrated by George’s opponent for the Senate.
“It is not a secret that George and I were once married and divorced over 22 years ago. Because a divorce is a very personal matter, we decided to keep the records sealed, and I believe and insist that this is proper.
“However, George’s opponent is trying to make something more of this matter. And I will not stand for it. George was, and is, a wonderful person and to try to make him into something else is deceitful, wrong, and will surely backfire against Mr. Webb and his allies. These types of last minute, desperate attacks are why so many Americans are disgusted with politics. It is a baseless, cheap shot.
“Let me make it perfectly clear. If I were still a resident of Virginia, I would proudly cast my vote for George Allen.
“I admire him as a person and as a dedicated public servant. Unlike some others in Washington, he is a man of integrity and character who has always been a loyal friend and hard-working elected official.
“I agree with George on so many issues and appreciate the humor and personal charisma with which he approaches adversity.
“George Allen is an outstanding United States Senator. I am proud to call him my friend and I urge Virginians to return him to Washington where he can continue to work for them.”
"A Political Memo article yesterday about the fallout for Senator John Kerry over what he called a 'botched joke' referred incompletely to the differences between prepared remarks and what he actually said about the Iraq war to students at Pasadena City College in California on Monday. Mr. Kerry not only dropped the word 'us,' but he also rephrased his opening sentence extensively and omitted a reference to President Bush. Mr. Kerry’s aides said that the prepared text read: 'Do you know where you end up if you don’t study, if you aren’t smart, if you’re intellectually lazy? You end up getting us stuck in a war in Iraq. Just ask President Bush.' What he said: “You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”
The woman who would be speaker, Nancy Pelosi, has oddly stayed out of the national spotlight in the week leading up to the big vote. The high profile, potentially history-making democrat has turned dramatically low-key. The last photo of vanishing Pelosi on the wires was from an October 21 fundraiser.
And since Pelosi appeared on the October 22 broadcast of 60 MINUTES, national TV hits have been nonexistent.
A source close to the congresswoman explains she has been busy behind the scenes. Pelosi made a brief appearance with Bill Clinton this week in San Fransisco.
NJ Poll: Majority Reject Gay Marriage
The Eagleton-Rutgers poll of 809 New Jersey adults was taken Oct. 29-31. Margin of eror 3.5 percent. The results are dramatically different from a widely touted June New Jersey poll suggesting majorities favored gay marriage.
Most dramatically, New Jerseyans now support a state constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of husband and wife: 54 percent to 38 percent.
Shocker: New York Times Confirms Iraqi Nuclear Weapons Program
(from drudge):
NYT REPORTING FRIDAY, SOURCES SAY: Federal government set up Web site — Operation Iraqi Freedom Document Portal — to make public a vast archive of Iraqi documents captured during the war; detailed accounts of Iraq's secret nuclear research; a 'basic guide to building an atom bomb'... Officials of the International Atomic Energy Agency fear the information could help Iran develop nuclear arms... contain charts, diagrams, equations and lengthy narratives about bomb building that the nuclear experts say go beyond what is available elsewhere on the Internet and in other public forums...
I'm sorry, did the New York Times just put on the front page that IRAQ HAD A NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAM AND WAS PLOTTING TO BUILD AN ATOMIC BOMB?
The New Yorks times confirms that in 2002 Saddam Hussein’s “scientists were on the verge of building an atom bomb, as little as a year away:”
Among the dozens of documents in English were Iraqi reports written in the 1990’s and in 2002 for United Nations inspectors in charge of making sure Iraq abandoned its unconventional arms programs after the Persian Gulf war. Experts say that at the time, Mr. Hussein’s scientists were on the verge of building an atom bomb, as little as a year away.
Had the United States not eliminated this threat, today we would be facing a nuclear armed Iraq and possibly a nuclear armed Iran.
Larry Sabato, the University of Virginia professor of politics, has seen 17 passages from Bergamini that resemble passages from Webb. “There are some passages that were lifted, that’s just obvious,” he says, while noting that perhaps Webb has some explanation for the similarity that hasn’t occurred to him. “It could have been taken care of with one line in the author’s note. Even in fiction you have to acknowledge an intellectual debt.”
The 1999 novel, a work of historical fiction, earned Webb a $1 million advance and $2 million for the film rights (according to Variety). Running the novel through a plagiarism detector available online makes it clear that it cribs dialogue and information from the late David Bergamini’s Japan’s Imperial Conspiracy, a popular history released in 1971. But Webb doesn’t credit Bergamini. You wouldn’t expect footnotes in a novel, but you would expect a reference to source material in an author’s note, in acknowledgments, or in suggestions for further reading. Bergamini doesn’t get a mention anywhere, in either the hardback or paperback versions of Webb’s book.
Bergamini translated Japanese documents for his book; many bits of dialogue taken from those documents would have been unavailable to Webb without Bergamini’s work. Sometimes it’s phrases that were lifted. So, for example, Bergamini refers (paperback, p. 200) to “a buccaneers’ enclave called Karak at the tip of the Korean peninsula.” Webb (paperback, p. 346) refers to “a pirate’s enclave called Karak at the tip of the Korean peninsula.”
Webb would not comment on whether Kerry should apologize for his remarks. Kerry has said that he had botched a joke and his comments were misconstrued, but Webb said -- quote -- ``he needs to work on his punch line.''
As governor, George Allen brought high academic standards and accountability to the commonwealth, and Virginia became a national model of educational excellence. He completely reformed Virginia's welfare system and put former welfare recipients on the path to good jobs and economic independence. As a result, the state's welfare rolls are down dramatically.
His historic and innovative reform of Virginia's juvenile-justice laws fixed a broken system. George Allen abolished parole for criminals and instituted truth-in-sentencing. The results speak for themselves: Over the last decade violent crime in Virginia has decreased by 20 percent. And violent crime is at its lowest point since 1978. These statistics are directly attributable to the reforms put in place by George Allen. All Virginians are safer today because of George Allen's leadership.
George Allen left the governor's office in 1998 with Virginia having become a national model in public safety, economic development, educational accountability, and good government. He ushered in greater government efficiency through his Blue Ribbon Strike Force, and reduced the number of state employees to save the commonwealth money. He brought 312,000 new jobs to the commonwealth.
Today, George Allen's extraordinary record as governor needs to be examined anew, for Virginia in 2006 continues to benefit from what Gov. Allen accomplished a decade ago. In fact, Jim Webb endorsed George Allen for Senate in 2000 because of Allen's outstanding record of leadership.
As a United States senator, George Allen has been a champion for the small-business community, which creates the majority of the new jobs in Virginia. He has taken the lead in keeping the Internet tax-free. He has championed an aggressive and proactive war on terror because he understands that the best way to keep America safe is to go after terrorists where they live and operate. He has been stalwart in supporting veterans by championing legislation for better health care and death benefits. And George Allen alone in this race understands the need to train scientists and mathematicians to keep America competitive in the global economy.
I have had the honor to work closely with several governors over the past 15 years. While the governors I have worked with have each achieved their own great successes, no one has been as successful as George Allen. And George Allen is an equally successful individual on a personal level. I know him to be a very decent, down-to-earth, hard-working public servant who loves his family and the commonwealth. He is motivated by the same passion for freedom and liberty that America's founders were.
The Republicans didn't make up a SINGLE WORD of what Kerry said. Kerry claims he mis-spoke, which admits that the words he spoke were bad. Any decent person would apologize.
If I wanted to call you a great american, and instead I said you were unamerican, I would apologize if you yelled at me, not call you "doughy" or a "stuffed suit".
When Kerry realised that he had called the troops stupid, the right thing to do was to apologize for misspeaking. If he was honorable, he would also apologize for trying to make fun of the President in a time of war using our troops as foils (which is what his claimed "joke" did).
Instead, Kerry refuses to apologizes for the words he actually said, and instead has called McCain a liar, called the President's press secretary a "stuffed suit", called Rush Limbaugh "doughy" (Rush hasn't been fat for years), and declared the entire republican party dispicable.
Which would normally get you laughed off the stage.
You webbies have a special reason to call for Kerry to apologize or resign. When George Allen misspoke a single word, the claim was that he hurt one person, and you and the media were all over him to apologize personally, and many said it made him unfit.
Kerry, as the tape clearly shoes, said words that insulted EVERY military member in Iraq. Whether he meant to or not, that's what he SAID, and you should be calling for him to apologize.
And Webb, who allowed his campaign staffer to make the claims, allowed his official campaign film to be used to attack his opponent for his simple misspoken word, should now stand up for the troops and call on Kerry to apologize for the WORDS HE ACTUALLY SAID.
But Webb probably won't do this. After all, when republicans point out what Democrats have ACTUALLY SAID, Democrats always claim that is a personal negative attack.
That's what Kerry just did -- said that while he SAID the words, he didn't MEAN to, and therefore the REPUBLICANS are wrong to point out what he SAID. Just as the Webb campaign claimed it was WRONG for republicans to quote from Webb's books, or to quote what Webb said about women 30 years ago.
Update: I've given up expecting a non-partisan, objective viewpoint from ANY news source in america until after the election. But here's what a reporter for the BBC in England had to say:
George Bush and Dick Cheney have been working overtime (and racking up air miles) to rally conservative stalwarts in the final days before the elections, and on Monday they got a gift from an unexpected source: John Kerry.
As the president was telling the good people of Texas that the Democrats did not want to win in Iraq, his former rival was in California insulting the troops.
Or so Mr Bush and his spokesman would have us believe. And when you review Mr Kerry’s comment, it’s hard to argue:
"You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq," he said, eliciting chuckles from the students.
The president demanded an apology, and some furious military bloggers also pounced, calling Mr Kerry a disgrace.
Senator Kerry came out swinging in response, saying he had botched a joke aimed at the president - and that he would apologise to no-one for his criticism. But his tough talk reminded me of an old political maxim: If you're explaining, you're losing.
John Kerry clearly thinks he is going to run for president again in 2008. If he doesn’t have jokes funnier than this, he's going to lose again. And in the meantime, he's not doing his party any favours this year.
It is also revealing that, when Kerry made his "botched joke" insult to the troops, the democrat students there to hear his speech laughed, even though they would have no idea Kerry was making a joke about the president getting troops killed in Iraq. They laughed has is "mis-spoken" words. Which is why it's easy to believe a democrat would have meant what Kerry said.
Update 2: Well, it seems some democrats understand that Kerry insulted the troops and should have apologized. Now they are cancelling appearances with Kerry, and calling on him to apologize. For example, Kerry was supposed to appear for a candidate in Iowa later this week:
Iowa candidate asks Kerry to cancel campaign visit
DES MOINES, Iowa A Democratic Congressional candidate from Iowa is canceling a campaign event later this week with Senator John Kerry.
Brucy Braley says Kerry's recent comments about the Iraq war were inappropriate.
Braley is running against Republican Mike Whalen in Iowa's First District congressional race. It's a contest considered to be one of the most competitive House races in the country.
Braley's decision to distance himself from Kerry came as a furor grew from comments Kerry made about the Iraq War during a campaign stop in California on Monday.
Meanwhile, Kerry has cancelled ALL of his campaign appearances for TOMORROW, he was supposed to be campaigning for Bob Casey in Pennsylvania.
But Webb is still sticking by his new-found friend. If Webb wasn't such a flip-flopper, he wouldn't have ever befriended the flip-flopper-in-chief, Kerry, and now he wouldn't have to worry about his Hobson's choice: Correctly denounce Kerry's actual words, and call for an apology (which would hurt Webb with the DailyKos netroots people who are his lifeblood) or stand by Kerry's words, which clearly insulted people like Webb's son, and risk alienating every military voter in Virginia.