Thursday, April 24, 2008

Funny line from PWC Budget Work Session

The board asked the staff to determine what tax rate would be a "flat" tax. At the work meeting, Gerhart was presenting that information, and said "we got it down to $1.00".

It was clear the members were confused, thinking he was saying that the flat tax rate would be $1.00, which obviously wasn't the case.

After a short period, Gerhart figured out the confusion and clarified that they had arrieved at a number (92 cents) that got them to ALMOST flat. "We got it to within $1.00", he said, noting that if they took it down a 10th of a cent it would actually be a tax cut, so they figured the number that would raise average tax bill by $1.00.

To which Corey Stewart added "I guess that might by a slice of pizza".

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