Monday, April 07, 2008

Board Meeting

An interesting group of people showed up to speak to the board tonight. I only watched little bits of it, because we were watching Mike Roe wrestle alligators -- probably safer than being a supervisor.

So why is it that the board is getting a 3 percent pay increase while we are getting an 8 percent tax increase?

Certainly if Maureen Caddigon is right and businesses won't miss the money they need to pay for a 32-percent tax increase, she wouldn't miss the 3 percent raise she is slated to get.

One nice thing, one of the first speakers actually thanked the board for the programs they were asking to be funded. Most of the speakers just complain about not getting enough money.

Of course, it would have been nicer if the people had thanked US, the taxpayers, for these programs, instead of thanking the board members. After all, they aren't the ones paying for the programs. Even when the money comes out of their "discretionary funds", those are still the taxpayers money.

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