Sunday, January 28, 2007

It's hard to take the protests seriously.....

I remember when anti-war protests were full of anti-war protesters. I'm not saying they weren't crazy, but they were focused.

Nowadays, you can't hold a good anti-war protest without every tom, dick, and jane showing up with their own agendas.

When your speakers are on stage surrounded by signs like this, you should lose some credibility.

No, this is not photoshopped. Yes, it says "9-11 was an inside job". Well, actually, it says "9-II" was an inside job. Apparently the nutjob store was all out of the number "1", or else they had a sale on the letter "I" - buy 2, get 2 free.

Sing along with me:
"All we are saying.... is Give terrorists our country."


Spank That Donkey said...

I guess Dick Cheney bought Atta his plane ticket...

Anonymous said...

These protests always bring out the real nut-jobs on the left. And they expect to be taken seriously??

Anonymous said...

Google Terrorstorm

Anonymous said...

nothing strange here, move along people. wtc5 should have had a sign with "inside job" btw.